Trinity Committees
Pastoral Care Committee
Under the leadership of our Minister, two co-chairs, and 16 team leaders, pastoral care is seen as a congregational effort and task with the assignment of showing care, concern, and compassion for the members of TEAM Trinity through visiting, sending cards/emails, making phone calls, and delivering monthly newsletters.
In partnership with the North Perth Ministerial Association, we provide worship services at three Long Term Care facilities throughout the year. Our annual 85+ Birthday Party is a joyful time to honour and celebrate our senior members, complete with cake, ice cream, entertainment, and laughter.
Christian Education Committee
This committee is made up of Sunday school teachers, the minister, and the librarian (to name a few) — and they get together to discuss the educational program for the upcoming term. They work on topics that encompass book studies, children’s studies, and confirmation. They essentially coordinate the educational ministry of the congregation!
So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.
– Romans 12:5-6 NIV
85th Birthday Party '23
85th Birthday Party '17
85th Birthday Party '16
Worship Committee
Our Worship Committee works jointly with the Atwood United Worship Committee and our minister and musicians, to coordinate the worship life of the congregation. They pick song responses for each season, set dates and make plans for special services, organize communion and baptism Sundays, and much more. If you have questions about anything that happens on Sunday morning, the worship committee is the group of people to talk to.
Property Committee
As with any large, vintage structure, Trinity is in need of constant care to maintain its character. The Property Committee is a group of hands-on volunteers, who along with our custodian, attend to interior and exterior maintenance. They also work on landscaping functions such as flower gardens, lawn mowing, shrub trimming and snow removal. They are an essential part in keeping the Trinity Church structure standing strong!
Stewardship & Finance Committee
Large churches are in need of significant income to offset expenditures such as staff salaries, maintenance, utilities, heating and outreach. Trinity’s Stewardship & Outreach Committee includes an elected Treasurer and our paid Financial Administrator. They cooperate to develop our annual budget, manage the income and expense flow of monies, monitor fundraising projects and offer sound financial advice.
Interested in joining a committee?