Ways to Give 

Donation Options

Trinity depends on the generous support of its church community to continue our ministry.

The donations we receive help in many areas - including (but not limited to) property maintenance, the Trinity staff, ministries, and our outreach projects.

  • To obtain a box of envelopes for regular use, please contact our office administrator.

  • If you are interested in setting up an auto-withdrawal (Pre-Authorized Remittance or PAR), please call the church office.

    Once you have PAR set up you can make changes to it at any time, quickly and easily, simply by contacting the church office.

  • At any Sunday worship service, you can put cash or cheques on the Offering plate as it is passed. Donations can also be made at the church office during office hours, or by placing in an envelope and depositing in the mail slot on the west side of the church.

    Please make sure we have your name and address so we can credit you for your donation at tax time.

  • Honour someone’s memory with a financial contribution to Trinity. Donations are held in a special Memorial Fund, and used to support special projects. Please provide the name of the person honoured, as well as the donor's name/address for tax receipt.


Interac and Credit Options

Interac eTransfer donations

To use this service, go to your financial institution’s online banking service and follow its instructions to send an e-transfer to trinitydonations@wightman.ca.

Please specify a specific fund in the comments section:         

  • General Fund - donations for the regular operating expenses of the congregation

  • M&S - donations to the Mission and Service fund

For tax receipt purposes, please provide your name and address or your envelope number.

Charity Gift Card Program

This is a fundraiser program that supports Trinity without hurting your budget! You can contribute to the church by signing up to get monthly gift cards that will automatically donate a portion of that amount directly to the church.

Why Sign Up?

  • You choose which gift cards you want - it can be for groceries, gas, or coffee - that are withdrawn from your bank account.

  • 3% of the amount withdrawn from your account is donated to Trinity (this helps create a reliable, stable income for us!)

  • There is no extra cost, work or time commitment for participants.

How To Sign Up

  • Choose an amount that is a weekly or monthly direct withdrawal from your bank account.

  • Choose which cards suit your needs and buying habits.

  • Cards then arrive at your home.

  • Then, use it like a debit card at your chosen stores!

Contact Catherine today through email or phone. You can do your part without doing a thing!