Whether you have been a long-time member of the church or have recently found your way through our doors, sometimes it helps to ground us in our faith to get back to basics and look at our foundational beliefs. Doing that during Lent puts us in good company. In the early church, Lent was seen as a final intensive period of preparation for baptism for adults who wanted to join the Jesus movement. With the support of church leaders, they would explore in depth what they believed in preparation to be baptized at dawn on Easter Sunday.
So this Lent, we will be unpacking the New Creed section by section to explore what it might mean for us today. Who is God? Why do we follow Jesus? What does it mean to be the church? and much more. When it comes to questions like this, a diversity of perspectives and lots of uncertainty is to be expected, but we hope this will be a meaningful way for all of us to think about what we believe and why.
These themes will be the focus of our Lenten worship:
February 26 - "We are not alone. We live in God's World"
March 5 - "We believe in God ..."
March 12 - "Who has come in Jesus, the Word made flesh"
March 19 - "Who works in us and others, by the Spirit"
March 26 - "We are called to be the Church"
April 2 (Palm Sunday) - "In life, in death, in life beyond death"