A church steeped in history extending ourselves to the world.
We’re a church with a rich, compelling history that strives to embrace new ideas for worship and congregational life.
Our congregation is both traditional and open, and we encourage people of all ages to explore God’s presence in their daily lives so that all may experience the peace and love of Jesus Christ. While we are Bible-based, we are not limited by a literal interpretation.
With open doors, we offer renewal, hope and support to everyone through worship, study, and fellowship.
Sunday worship is at 11 a.m. each Sunday. Join us in person or check out our livestream in real-time or at any later time that suits you.
Wednesday Morning Coffee at 10:00 a.m.

Together Everyone Achieves More
We believe our church is a family, and Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM) by practising commitment, care, compassion, and keeping Christ at the centre.
We honour a commitment to teamwork and fellowship.
Care & Compassion
We demonstrate care and compassion for our environment and community, reaching out to others at home and abroad.
Christ as the Centre
We celebrate our faith in Christ as the centre of our family.

Lively Worship
Our Sunday morning worship is enriched with a dynamic music program, including a senior choir that plays an integral role in the service. With special performances from our handbell and Junior choirs, we seek to enhance worship through song and diverse instruments. Guest soloists and instrumentalists may also join us on special occasions to elevate our morning worship with beautiful scores.

Sunday Services
Gather and worship with us every Sunday morning at 11 a.m. in the sanctuary, or tune in to our live-streamed service. We are committed to ensuring everyone can attend our worship services whether you are with us in person or online!

Inclusive Community
Our congregation works together so that we can grow. Trinity has an active group of committees that collaborate with our minister to support our ministries. Youth and Bible study groups discuss current social issues and topics, and with new ideas and input, help us, as a church, to grow and change to include everyone in our faith.
News & Events
View all of our upcoming events that are happening at Trinity. We have events that are put on through our church family, but also through outside groups and organizations that use our church building. View event details and look ahead to plan for upcoming events at Trinity!
Our monthly newsletter, known as Pews News, is created for all ages to keep you updated on all things Trinity. You can find out how to get involved with upcoming events, read how projects and initiatives are coming along, as well as learn about how our family is growing.